Cockroach /kɔːkroʊtʃ/
The scariest place is not the bathroom, unless the bedroom isn't next to it.
It's the kitchen, the train, or simply the television. 
I'll tell you why.

(1) Coming from a country with low level of hygiene, cockroaches and rats are a common sight in the kitchen. One time, I might "dance to beat" because some cockroaches creeping in my body. While I was opening the door for example, they might fly into my hand while I'm trying to stay calm (as in screaming with whiny voice which never succeeded because I'd scream anyway) and keep on walking. 
I think my favorite word might be AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

(2) One time, when I was at the train heading back home, there's this cockroach trying to seek it's way on the floor. It crept up to the seat. Then creept again over the wall or going back again to the seat.  
(2.5) Some people who noticed it, immediately moved and seek another seat. Some of those who didn't, luckily, only got crept by the cockroach without it entering their clothing. Phew.

What a sight! 
(3) I never knew cockroaches had high level of curiosity or probably the will to survive. I heard that they could survive without their body for couple of weeks. Imagine living only with your head and still able to talk and all. Unless you're into alien or some weird gore movie you probably don't know what I'm talking about. I laughed the entire ride because of this animal which I hate and that is probably the only time I would agree with liking cockroach.

(4) All those images suddenly pops because of this big man who stepped on the cockroaches and squat it to the floor. Poor cockroach, you only want to have fun as far as your curiosity takes you. 
Curiosity killed the cockroach.

(5) This one time too, a Chinese research doctor was fascinated by cockroach. He have this special designed room where the temperature were maintained and humidity are suited to cockroach habitat. He said that this creatures can't live without water. I guess every creature does, thanks for the info.
One of the requirements to take his class was to capture the cockroach gently and love it like it was a silly puppy.  

(6) Another memory was from Fear Factor which is another television show that gave money to those who were brave enough to face their "fear". You see why i put some " " there, it's because most of the show involved in eating or being with their fear. I think you know where this is going.
" "

(7) So here's a cockroach made out of ASCII which you could find in the internet. These one are really safe and won't creep into you unless you let your imagination do so.

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*sorry for the wall of text I had so many things that I want to write about this creature.


Poetry /ˈpɘʊʷɘtɹɪ/

One need never leave the confines of New York to get all the greenery one wishes--I can't even enjoy a blade of grass unless I know there's a subway handy or a record store or some other sign that people do not totally regret life.
-Excerpt from Frank O' Hara "Meditations in an Emergency"

"Information, cultural information, should be layered in the environment. If you are interested you extract it... The idea was you're looking at a fence and yet you walk away with a thought as well. A fence is a barrier so you almost have like a contradictions in here... Poetry breaks the barrier...
It doesn't stop you, it begins something.
-Excerpt from 99% Invisible episode 59 "Some Other Sign that People Do Not Totally Regret Life", a statement from M. Paul Friedberg about the works on The Battery Fence in New York

City of ships!
(O the black ships! O the fierce ships!
O the beautiful sharp-bow'd steam-ships and sail-ships!)
City of the world! (for all races are here,
All the lands of the earth make contributions here;)
City of the sea! city of hurried and glittering tides!
City whose gleeful tides continually rush or recede, whirling in and
out with eddies and foam!
City of wharves and stores--city of tall facades of marble and iron!
Proud and passionate city--mettlesome, mad, extravagant city!
-Excerpt from Walt Whitman "City of Ships"

I had never seen this work but knowing that such work existed for more than 25 years only one day to be discovered again. I fall in love with poetry, once again.
Thank you, 99% Invisible.



(4) Now that I think of it, that said gravity. 

Isn't it like what other people think or perception* of something in this world?
*once something has been perceived, it lost it's truest place.

To just be free from stereotyping, from classification, from restriction, from names, from form, from existence, nah.

 ˙ʎʇıʌɐɹƃ 'ǝɯ ɯoɹɟ ʎɐʍɐ ʎɐʇs uɐɔ noʎ sɐ ƃuol s∀ ˙puıɯ ʇ,uop I 'ʎzɐɹɔ ǝɯ llɐƆ 
˙ǝɹɐɔ oʇ ʇuɐʍ ʇ,uop I ʇnq 'puıɯ I ʇɐɥʇ ʇoN
¿ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd s,ǝldoǝd ɹǝɥʇo ɯoɹɟ uǝǝs ǝq oʇ ǝʞıl plnoʍ ǝuo ʍoH

(1) I always had a keen interest in outer space. It started when I was a kid. I like to read those books about space and encyclopedia about it. Wandering through space filled with stars, running away from black hole, or just flying around; defying gravity. (2) Something that weighs you down. That annoying thing that pulls you to the center of the earth. Thanks to Newton we had a fancy name for it. Gravity. (3) Maybe this all connected in someways, like how I'm always alone and happy to be in the my own space. Letting my thoughts travel in time with no speed and limit. Imagination running wild into the deep conscious or down the rabbit or even ass hole.
 I have no regret in going against the gravity.

(5) Silver lining, probably existed somewhere in those hidden sentences. Maybe.
 I still hate and love you, gravity.


Leaves /liːvz/
"Pay your phone credit with leaves!"

Every time you buy phone credit or voucher for every call; the service provider gives you seed that you can plant to make those said leaves. It could be anything. Starting from carrot, corn, or anything that had leaves on it. Maybe, they might even give you those seeds from Jack and The Beanstalk story.

(-.-. --- -. - .. -. ..- . -.. )
A friend of mine who says that tress have leaves like batteries. They need to recharge themselves by letting the old leaves go. Such mechanism that support the life of the tree and provide living like how sunlight is used to give life to most plants in this earth. 
Probably if every plant can do a bit of re-cycle in itself and do us another favor in life. Like how the leaves had fallen and at certain time and might go back to where they once belong. Like a reverse rain, this time with leaves not water.
- another gibberish on a fine day filled with weird thoughts and memories
 What am I talking about?


Cover /-ʌvə(r)/
"Don't judge a book by it's cover."

I'm thankful that some of the best book I've known have poorly designed cover.
That way, I can still find it at the same spot unmoved.

"Do judge a book by it's cover, you're doing me a favor."
Bacteria /bækˈtɪɻ.i.ə/
Hey Jo, I have an idea. I know it sounds absurd but I would want nothing else than this. It's relatively simple and won't cost you any penny, except for the container which could be anything.

So, all you need to do is grab a container. I would prefer plastic bags or small plastic which can hold air in it. After that, you just swoop it around you. Let it gather the air at where you are. And quickly cover it and sealed tight. Now, you need to make sure you can safely bring it back home. As long as it doesn't pop in your way. Be careful.

You know how amazing that is?
We just transfer micro organism out of your region and we can enrich the diversity in where I live. Those bacteria, virus, or other small thing that we can't see just travel across the region which would not possible without a host, in this case the air you gather.

In case you're interested in doing so, let me know.

Sincerely your silly friend,