Plant /plɑːnt/
Well, I can't make someone to totally believe in me.
I'm not a magician, I can't just pull a rabbit out of the hat and impress everyone.
But I can plant my idea, in this case, my point of view to someone.
Give them something that they never think before.
Play with their point view and convince them.
Shake their mind and heart with your way and reasons.

In that way, I hope you will believe in me.


Prostitute /ˈprɒstɪˌtjuːt/
She pledge for the pitiful night life. 
Drop down in the floor, working twice as hard as anybody. 
Getting paid under the weather. 
Smearing lipstick all over her body, bruises & scars are old story. 
Dignity burns in that life she holds dearly.
Sex is just another story, a toy for man, a trash on her body.
"Does love ever exist?" she asked to nobody.
- A woman from the night life.


Tired /taɪə(ɹ)d/
When you stop thinking about everything all at once. Your brain cells still keep on moving while your body don't feel the same. You put yourself in bed & take a nice short nap while you actually slept for the whole night.

I'm tired of being used.
I'm tired of being kind.
I'm tired of being fake.
I'm tired of being this world slave.
I'm tired of the people around me.
I'm tired of this boring life I had (for now).

I just can't wait until this all come to an end.


Headache /ˈhɛdeɪk
That monster torturing you bit by bit at the most inappropriate time. You go to sleep & when you wake up you realized it's all inside your head. If it's still there, take an aspirin or shot your head.


Hey there!

Inbox full of messages from nowhere.
Friends that I thought I know but never were
Life that is too weird to describe. 
Family, little by little is dying within me.
Love? Don't start with me. I don't even know it.

I'd be surprised if I didn't kill myself before 30.

One day, when I'm old enough, I might stumble upon this stupid blog & laugh at it.
I'm in a deep shit now but I know, the future is far more awesome than this.
So to the future me (if you ever read this).. 
How is it like to be me in the future?
It keeps getting better? Or worse?


New Blog, New Purpose, (hopefully) Not the same Old Shit

So I'm back to square one, another stupid blog that i might write everyday to share a piece of my mind.

I realized that Facebook isn't a place where you can dump whatever you want & yes, you have spectators which is sadly, Your own friend. And not everyone will take everything you say for granted. I hate being nice & covering my ass for whatever I write, so pretty much this blog is a place where all the shitty or even the good things end or being dump outside of my head. I still keep it under 150 words for my own entertainment. But I might break my own rules.

Feel free to comment & please don't be a jerk because I hate spam. THANKS!