Mother /ˈmʌðɚ/
I still live with my mother. It's not something to be proud of but I love her, I really do. Although, I've been mean to her and take most of her time (seconded, compared to grandma). 
Sorry Mom, I wasn't that much of a kid but there's only one of me and only one of you in this world

Mother = Reality Check 
for me
 Wash your clothes.
Clean your room.
You have such an ugly face.
Why are you so fat?
Do something, it's irritating looking at you sleep all day
Do your homework.
Study harder.
Finish your studies.
Better luck next time.
Do you want to eat something?
I'll fix you a dinner.
Let me give you a kiss and a hug.
*No, I don't have mother-complex.